The only wars worth fighting

crème de la crème
3 min readOct 7, 2022

We think that we are highly evolved intelligent beings that have nothing in common with lower life forms and all the things out there like plants, trees, animals, insects, natural resources, earth exist only for our own purposes and needs. We live solely to fulfil our own selfish egotistical desires and to do so we make use of everything that we see some value in without a regard for what happens to the system when we take out a piece of it for our own use.

The wars worth training for, preparing for, making strategies for and fighting are:


Our planet is getting more and more polluted with each passing day. People’s numbers are increasing, people’s standards are rising and the ability to consume more and more. Any kind of pollution: Air, Earth, Water, Light, Sound, Mind, Soul.


Billions of people living in suboptimal conditions. Billions of people having to work tirelessly for a loaf of bread without any possibility of getting much further in life. So many humans starving to death while the rich and developed countries literally swim in food options and throw food away and not even blink. This is crime. Crime against humanity. Crime against the world. Crime against life.


There are so many diseases that are slowly sucking the juices out of people and taking young lives that could have been lived fully. So much pain, suffering due to some unknown causes. And we cannot gather together, funnel our energy and resources into finding cures instead of trying to come up with plans to kill more people from some other nation.

Global warming

It is a fact that we cannot allow ourselves to ignore.

Potential asteroid impact

There are things happening in the cosmos that we have no idea about and something could be heading our way and we would be totally unaware of it. The dinosaurs had no luck. They were too busy roaming for food but we as an intelligent form of life who is able to allow themselves to have space programs we cannot allow the chance of not having a full preparation in case something poses a threat to the existence of all of life on Earth. That is a shame. Yes, chances are slim but in case of a hit consequences are huge. But we do not care about such things. We are too busy watching silly prank videos online, playing silly games and so on.

Protecting the planet and all its living beings

It is our duty. It is a duty we have to our ancestors as a way to show our gratitude and a duty to our descendants to make the world a wonderful place to live in.


We do not intend to fight crime with the methods it uses. It would cause only more fighting, more negativity and there is no end to it. Fighting crime is done by educating young children to be productive members of the society and instilling values in them that would never allow them to turn to crime for meeting their needs. Fighting crime with love and compassion rather than pain and punishment. There is no point. Jails are full of people who re-enter many times. Schools are full of people who are waiting for some true knowledge to be poured into their heads and to make sure they never think about committing a crime. It would be far beyond what their minds would allow.



crème de la crème

An organisation aiming to make life better for all living beings at present and in the future and protect nature.