Everything has its time

crème de la crème
5 min readDec 17, 2022

When a baby is born it can only be fed liquid food. In the best case his mother’s milk. It contains everything the baby needs at each specific time of its development. The contents of the milk shift with the specific needs during each specific time. After a while the baby can be fed with creme like food and after some more time it can finally be fed with normal food when it’s teeth grow and his system is able to digest all the other foods.

The same is true for all mammals. But this is not a lesson in biology. This is an article about the proper things to be done at the proper times.

When we were at our earliest stages of development of civilisations

When we were still a small minor member of the animal kingdom. When we were prey and were hunted down by bigger animals or fought each other over food, resources, land, access to women and in turn reproduction we developed techniques that helped us survive. They were successful as hell. We are here and this means that our ancestors knew what they were doing.

Small hunter gatherer tribes fighting.
Villages fighting. Towns fighting. Cities fighting. States, nations, countries, empires, unions things grow, capabilities expand, motives stay the same.

The problem comes from the fact that we are still doing what we have been doing for our whole existence as a separate species but we are doing it in a much more empowered way. We are much more capable, powerful, able, skilled and everything gives us the ability to generate consequences that affect things that even we do not understand.

We are 8 billion people projected to grow to much more. As our standards are rising so are our abilities to inflict damage on our tiny fragile planet and all of its life sustaining systems that work perfectly well to keep us alive. Without us they are fine, on the other hand without these systems, we die. Plain and simple and it can be no other way. No god will come to fix it even though so many people wait for this holy moment. Waiting solves no problems, only action in the right direction and inaction in the wrong. We need to stop relying on god for doing what we have to do ourselves. We need to get little bit more humble and decrease the negative impact we have on our precious nature.

We are using old tactics in new times. It will not work out well. We can’t continue feeding the growing kid with milk. The mother will not produce it in the first place and even if she did it would suck all the juices out of her. Secondly, it would not be able to provide all the nutrients required for this later stage of development of the growing human being.
In fact we can continue feeding the kid with milk from other sources but this will not be the best for the kid’s growth and development. He will lack vital elements that need to be part of his diet and his long term health and wellbeing will be compromised.

We need to feed the young kid with a various diet of fresh food in order to provide him with all the nutrients he needs for growth, repair and building his body. We can pray all we want and if we continue feeding the baby with milk when he has to be fed good solid food, well the results may not be optimal. The same with praying to god for our wellbeing and continue damaging the planet while waiting for a miracle. The only miracle will be that we will create a runaway greenhouse effect and water will evaporate into space. Now here, then gone. Ta-da. Congratulations your entire future generation of kids, grandkids and so on is gone with the water.

We are still using primitive practices but we are living in a totally different conditions and times.

Lets take a look at fighting.

Fighting has always had its toll on people both attackers and attacked with the greatest risk being that one might die and his whole clan may die as well due to lack of provision of food or protection. This is not a small thing but nobody does make it worse for the whole humanity and all other living species to thrive. Fighting is a local thing and its effects are local as well. The effects can be terrible but they do not endanger all of life on earth that has thrived for 3.5 billion of years and all the life to come, all the lives that can be lived all the happiness that can be experienced. All the couples that can meet, all the kisses they can have, all the animals, all the plants all are not at stake. Only the local tribe at maximum and their descendents.

Imagine a fighting in modern times when people are so much capable of inflicting damage and creating disasters. So many of the top countries are so heavily armed with weapons of any kind. Be it biological, nuclear, chemical, software and so on. A tiny spark can create an all out war that can kill millions, billions and render earth inhospitable for life for centuries probably all this in case some life survives but some life is nothing on its own. We depend on so many ecosystems for our existence. We do not notice them because they work well. Just like our nose. We do not notice it until it gets blocked and we can’t breathe.

We need to grow up and find a way to solve our problems in a conscious manner. We need to use our creativity constructively consciously. Not just in creating ingenious ways to wipe out more living beings who come to be on the other side of the argument or are on the plot of land we desire for the benefits that it can bring to us.

We need to evolve and act in accordance with the new reality we are in.

Just like a 12th grader can’t develop himself/herself by using 1st grade text books. A grown up kangaroo can’t fit in his mom’s pouch. A grown adult can’t fit into his clothes from kindergarden. And so on and so on. We need to do what is necessary and proper with the tools and skills we have at the circumstances we are currently in. We can’t use our old ways to get to new places or we will get bad outcomes, outcomes that are harmful to us and all living beings.

We need to change our paradigms and perspectives and look at reality with fresh eyes and wise minds. To get onto the correct tracks so that we can travel safely in space and time and have the best lives while building the best foundation for all those to come. Leaving them a great world to experience and have all the fun they are about to have.



crème de la crème

An organisation aiming to make life better for all living beings at present and in the future and protect nature.